I have already mentioned braces types in one of my earlier articles. And in this post, I will talk about two trendy braces: Ceramic braces and Metal Braces. I will also discuss the difference between Ceramic braces and metal braces.
And I will share what Metal braces cost in Chennai is and what Ceramic braces cost in Chennai.
Read this: Invisible Braces Cost, Procedure, Pros & Cons
In this article, we will concentrate on the -important two topics are metallic and ceramic braces. We are going to have a complete overview of those topics .lets, see
What are Metal Braces?
By the name itself, we would have understood that this type of braces is made up of Metal. Metallic braces are most commonly known as traditional braces as they might be the first type to be used in the ancient days.
And one more important point, when we all hear about braces, we all will be having an image of braces in our mind. The picture which we might have is of metallic braces, not of ceramic or Invisalign.
Despite having a thorough knowledge Of metallic braces and their pros and cons, many people opt for them because they are quite affordable than ceramic and Invisalign. The most common feature of metallic braces is that they give an intimidating appearance on a person’s face. Intimidating appearance is one of the significant disadvantages of metallic braces.
What are Ceramic Braces?

They are most commonly known as clear braces, and they are orthodontic tools that align and straightens our teeth and bring them to the right position. They are less visible because they are made of the same texture as the teeth. The ceramic braces and metal braces are more or less the same and even involves the same period for fixing, but the difference is that they are made up of different materials.
When is it asked too many people regarding which type of braces they would like to go on? Many opt for ceramic due to its advantage of less visibility. It does not contain any brackets, wires, or any silver tools, which many of them could easily recognize. Metal braces are mostly preferred because they are tooth-colored and have clear brackets.
The disadvantage of Metal Braces:
- The first and the most important advantage of using metal braces is that they work for almost every severe and challenging case. Metal braces are affordable for nearly everyone. Its cost is reasonable for many people.
- Metal braces are the most advanced and have a variety of design options nowadays.
- Metal braces are durable when compared to other braces.
Advantages of Metal Braces:
- Metal braces are visible to everyone; because they are made in such a way. Most of them would not prefer metal braces, Just because of their feature.
- Metal braces give an intimidating and ugly appearance on the face.
- The most crucial disadvantage of having metal braces is having restrictions on food and drinks; while having metal Braces treatment, there is difficulty managing proper hygiene. And as a result, negligence of certain food items becomes necessary.
Advantages of using Ceramic Braces:
- The most experienced advantage of ceramic braces is that they are less visible than metal braces as the material used to design ceramic braces is the same as the texture of the teeth.
- Ceramic braces are less painful than metal braces as the ceramic material is not as harsh as Metal.
Disadvantages of Ceramic Braces:
- Ceramic braces are quite expensive than metal braces.
- Ceramic braces cause gum sensitivity.
- Ceramic braces are less durable when compared to metal braces.
Difference between Metallic Braces and Ceramic Braces:

Visibility: When it comes to visibility, the metal braces are easily visible compared to ceramic braces. In contrast, ceramic braces are quite difficult to notice because they become inconspicuous with our teeth.
Durability: metal braces are more durable when compared to ceramic braces. At the same time, ceramic braces provide less durability. As it is made up of ceramic, there is no doubt of durability because it is more rigid than ceramic.
Cost: When it comes to the price, the more the comfort, the more will be the cost. As many of them have experienced that ceramic braces are better than metal braces, and of course, this makes ceramic braces expensive than metallic braces.
Commonly called: metal braces are also called traditional braces, Whereas another name for ceramic braces is clear braces.
Ceramic Braces cost in Chennai :
The cost of metal braces depends on various factors such as clinic locations, Instruments, Experience of doctors, facilities they have, and many others.
The average ceramic braces cost in Chennai is around 30,000 to 60,000 INR.
Metal Braces cost in Chennai:
As I said earlier, the cost may vary from clinic to clinic, doctor to doctor, and location to location. The average cost of metal braces in Chennai is around 15,000 to 40,000 INR.
FAQs About Ceramic Braces cost in Chennai:
Are Metal Braces cheaper than Ceramic Braces?
Yes, Of course! Ceramic braces cost in Chennai are expensive compare to Metal braces. Ceramic braces are quite expensive because of their advantage of non-visibility.
Do Braces give you a lisp?
The lisp is primarily a misarticulation that occurs when you speak; that is a Loss of speech.
Which Braces are more comfortable?
Metal braces. Today’s metal braces are much smaller, attractive, and made up of high-grade stainless steel.
Do they clean your teeth before Braces?
Yes, they clean your teeth and complete some dental tasks before fixing braces into your teeth.
Why do they wear top Braces first?
The top teeth and the jaw bone take a longer time to align your Teeth than the bottom teeth.
How long do Metal Braces take to align your teeth?
It takes an average of 24 months; some require less or more than the Average time.
Do teeth become weak after wearing braces?
The answer is No. Once you wear braces the first time, you will feel As your teeth have become loose. But there is not much to worry about as it is the Normal procedure of teeth movement.
Why are Braces so expensive?
It is because it not only contains the cost of braces but also contains the price of braces staff, equipment, and other expenses behind the dental procedure.
Why are Braces so painful?
The answer is straightforward; it is because that Braces keep on pushing and pulling Your teeth towards the back and front.
Conclusion: In this article, We have concentrated on two major topics on (ceramic braces and metallic braces). We have also seen the difference between these braces, their advantages, disadvantages, and even their cost.
We had basic information, and you also would have gained a thorough knowledge regarding this topic. I hope that this article would have helped you out to complete and refine your search if you were searching for the concerned query.
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